Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Later Yo

Okay folks. I'm shutting down my computer here Stateside heading off to freakin' Korea. I spent all damned day running around paying my respects and seeing a cutie or two. Took forever, but I must say it was enjoyable. My next missive will be 14 hours into the future, for you East Coasters in the US. If you're lucky, I'll tell you who wins the next Patriots game in time for you to lay down a wad.

Next stop: Inchon.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Last Minute Prep

Visa problems and visa problems. For the next two days, I must hide out in my house practicing, packing, and waiting for a bevy of deliverymen. I'm going up against the impossible dream here: Hoping that deliveryment actually deliver in a timely manner. I've got reeds, reed knives, and a crapload of paperwork on it's way to my hungry doorstep.

I've also got to go through my rather obscene pile of mail (read: bills) so I make sure not to screw my credit rating too badly while I'm gone. Don't these companies understand that I just don't care? Can't I hire someone to take care of this crap for me?

Where's all the music in this post? I mentioned something about practicing in the first paragraph. Essentially, my life is now taken over completely with two acts: the act of moving to Korea, and the act of celebrating the move to Korea. So far, I have "celebrating" planned for nearly every day between now and the departure at 9am on Tues the 31st. Wa-freakin-hoo people. Wahoo.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

We Be Illin'

Holy crap...Sleep...Sleep and health. I crave both. In the past three days, I've made a solo drive-a-thon from Boston to Washington, DC and then from DC to Asheville, NC the next day.

I did the first leg after working a full day. I did the second leg on sleeping 3 1/2 hours after the first leg. Somehow, I'm still alive. However, I did manage to practice a little.

Of course, I managed to catch a cold on top of everything. Miserable. At least I had good Pho tonight.

Crap, now I have to learn La Valse. Ick

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Introspective Nonsense

How does One move to a different place? Yes, I understand the concept of moving vans, airplanes, and time multiplied by velocity. I'm speaking of how One moves. As a musician, hell, a person, how does one transfer to a new place? Does one transfer all of those particular traits one has built up over the years? Why not leave a few in the old place? This is why people act differently when they go to their hometowns.

After nine years, I'm fairly sure that Boston isn't my hometown. It is is nearly a decade, however. I didn't spend that long in High School, oh so many years ago. I'm positive that it's time I leave this town (Or as I'm apt to say, "Get the hell out of this God-forsaken town."), but I can only imagine what a pain in the ass it's going to be to set up shop somewhere else.

And we all know how lazy I am.

Oh yeah, I saw that Scorcese-produced movie of Madame Butterfly. I watched the first half one night and the second the next. It was lovely. Cio-cio-san had a lovely voice and produced a fantastic recording. For the record, this was also my first experience with Butterfly. Holy crap.

I'm pretty sure I've never experience rage at the opera before beholding Pinkerton in his completely self-centered depravity. (Okay, yes...I have experienced rage at the opera. That old lady had it coming to her. She was taking forever with the damned cough drop wrapper. Damned plastic wrappers...) For me, the most wrenching moments came when Suzuki realized and accepted what she would have to explain to Butterfly. Suzuki decides to enter herself as a buffer between Cio-cio and the storm that has arrived. Before she can really carry out her self-imposed duty, however, Cio-cio discovers the situation. Ack.

Yes, I said "Ack" rather than something more florid. It's apt, right?

Oh, and I like the general popularity of suicide in opera. A little suicide never hurt anyone...Er...Wait a minute. That's not quite true. It hurts homicide detectives...Those guys don't have jobs if everyone kills only themselves.

Remember folks...Think of the homicide detectives before you do something rash.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Something I Don't Quite Understand

Yes, there are the occasional things I don't quite grok.

Music students think they're special. Somewhere along the way during their musical "higher" education, they tend to lose their special quality and realize that they're just another cog in the wheel. Those who become depressed at this realization become jaded and one of "those" players. You know who I'm talking about. I'm talking about the gig whores. I'm talking about the guy/girl who's pounding out notes (and I do mean pounding...these folks play loud) somewhat in tune, but show no love for anything but the warm fuzzies of a new paycheck in their front left breast pocket. I have frequently looked forward to a paycheck, but I've not quite reached the final stage yet.

Of course, many occupations are cogs in wheels. It's how you perform your duty that dictates whether you are an artist or not. I have seen a number of bankers and even janitors who perform their chosen profession with pride and a sense of beauty.

Now, to return to those "special" qualities of music students. What are they special? Well, apparently they do things that the average human being can't. Apparently, they are able to tap into some primordial flow of genius that Larry, Darell, and Darell can't hope to experience.

Here's the kicker: If you can't partake of this enlightenment, you deserve to be treated like the mongrel you are. That's right. If you aren't a music student or a big-name musician, you are, as a conductor friend termed it "the floor of a cab." Sick, huh? Been in a Boston cab recently? How about at 3 am early Sunday morning?

In a music school, there are many supportive staff positions that make musical education possible. Since these staff members aren't conducting or performing in that environment, they must be as useful as your average roll of toilet paper, correct? Of course, they have to deal with the mental version of the same amount of waste that the paper encounters.

That being said, it sickens me to watch people turn to being polite, civilized human beings overnight. The only change, a staff member getting an orchestra job. You can smell the putrid stench of envy and obsequiousness.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Insert Bernard Herman Music Here

Er...so life is winding down in Boston. Friends and acquaintances are starting to walk up to me and congratulate me on my upcoming Korean shenanigans. They invariably look shocked after I tell them that my first rehearsal in Seoul is Nov. 6. Wow. Between the looming exit date and Kim Jong Il's increasingly poofy-haired madness, I'm starting to get a little fidgety. I haven't even started packing yet.

However, I am still practicing. Still trying to make sure I don't sound like ass for my first full-time orchestra gig. Friends in Korea keep saying "We'll have so much fun." I'm not sure whether to look forward to the fun or be wary about anything that will take away from my doing a superlative job.

I have spread the gospel of citron tea/Yooja Cha a little further. Met a singer recently who comes from a much warmer climate. She seemed not to have any idea of the misery the cold will bring. As a welcome gift to a new Bostonian, I picked up a jar of the citron tea when I happened upon a new Korean grocery store. This poor girl...Hopefully she'll avail herself of it's goodness. As a singer, she'll need to keep awfully good care of those cords. TM, if you stumble upon this: Good luck. Let me know how you've fared in your first mortal battle with Boston weather.

Another Day Bites the Dust

Peaks and valleys of practicing...6 hours one day, 45 minutes the next. It's not good for the stock market...It's not good for me.

Callithumpian Consort's Concert tonight:

Alvin Lucier's "Ever Present" for flute, sax, piano- Seems like a decent piece. A little long, but the process takes that long to finish. I didn't fall asleep. I was amused by the interaction between the passing sine wave and the acoustic instruments. Lucier was in the house. Apparently he has a new clarinet piece. I'll need to email him soon.

Earle Brown's "Sign Sounds"-similar to Event Synergy II in construction it seems. There are a number of constraints on what the players actually play at anyone time, but the possibilities of collage/reconstruction by the conductor are endless. I was kept in rapt attention for each playing of the piece...except the last one. One too many.

JL Adams' "songbirdsongs"-Yup...Good. Seen them do it before. Getting a little repetitive now and I haven't heard every performance they've given. Just record it and move on to the next piece folks. I'm easily bored, you gimps.

It's a little strange going to these concerts as an audience member only. I've been playing in the band for about 9 years now. As I'm in the middle of a rather disruptive change, I've been unable to keep up with the schedule recently. Of course, once I move, I won't be able to play or go to the concerts. I guess that means I'll have to bring some Thump to Seoul, huh? Maybe a satellite outfit? Heh heh...

Monday, October 09, 2006

A Meal of Side Dishes

Ah, the clarinet...I seem to spend most of my time playing scales and Bach. Damn, that would be a great way to make a living. Is there anyone out there who makes a living entirely on playing Bach?

Oh yeah, saw Donnie Darko finally. I liked it. I need me a creepy, english-soccer-hooligan-toothed bunny rabbit. Especially one with a newly ventilated right eye socket. And a 757 engine, freshly sheared. Can anyone help me with either of these?

Okay, that was inappropriate. I almost apologize.

Callithumpian Consort concert tomorrow night at Jordan Hall. I'm not playing, but I'm pretty sure there'll be some JLA and Earle Brown. I'm planning on sitting in the audience and partaking of the goodness for once. I may even try to indoctrinate a new audience member for the cause.

I'm pretty sure that Dukas wrote the "Sorcerer's Apprentice" just to torture me. Too many unison runs to make me happy. Anyone know where I can find his remains? I'm pretty sure they deserve a desecration.

Who'd have thought moving to a new country (with an entirely new language) would be so complicated? The most complicated part? Dealing with my damned car while I'm gone. Is it illegal to blow it up if I don't claim the insurance? Can I do it some place public? All big-like and what-not? I want a fireball too. Can fireballs be overlooked? I'm not looking to defraud anyone...just a real big, satisfying kablooie. And some rubble...there'll certainly be rubble.

Crap...I gotta get back to studying and all that crap.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Side Projects

Now that I'm wrapping things up stateside, people keep sending work my way. A bunch of Library work just fell in my lap, but I'm unable to make a long-term committment. Instead, I may just help them and get them set up for the next cycle. Perhaps I'll pass along much of it to my now-assistant and hope that they can carve out time to handle it. Either way, this seems to be the way things go these days. As soon as I make a decision to move on from one aspect of my life, someone always offers up extra work. Closing a door, opening a window, or portal to another dimension.

Alright, my little minions: What modern solo work(s) should I take with me to Korea? I have the perfect opportunity to learn some pieces properly while I'm with the orchestra. If you say "The Sequenza!", I swear to God I'll have some hood punch you in the left kidney. What else should I take? As I'm not a huge fan of solo repertoire, this may be the only chance I allow myself for years to learn the rep. My goal is to record it/them near the end of my stay so I'll have an impetus for working hard on the piece(s).

It's about damned time for bed. Hopefully I'll sleep in on Saturday. As it is, I have a pleasantly full day planned for tomorrow. Gotta stay pretty and all that, so I'm off for my beauty rest.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Reveal

Okay, so here's the digs: I've accepted a bit of work with an orchestra based in Seoul, South Korea. At the end of this month, I'll be flying to Seoul, where I'll live through January. I'll be assuming the position of Assistant Principal/Eb Clarinetist and the repertoire for my stay looks wonderful. If it works out, I may stay in the country for longer. We'll see. This is just one of those opportunities that doesn't come around every day. Gotta snatch 'em when you can.

This should help explain my newfound addiction to Korean drama. It's my way of brushing up on my Korean. Well, actually, it's a piss-poor way to learn a language. I'm actually shamefully addicted to crappy television. I have a good friend in Maryland who's enabling me with the titles of recommended shows. So take it out on her.

Of course, this means that I'm in the process of handing all my students and work over to other musicians. Oy freakin' vey, I tell you. Oy freakin' vey. One of these days, I'll decide that the hassle involved with being a reasonable human being is too much and just throw in that towel. That's when I'll return to conducting, I'm sure. Not a reasonable human being in that bunch.

Okay, so they topics covered in the blog will change a little. I'll try to stick to musical topics. Of course, since I can't seem to do that in the States, I'm not promising that I'll be much better over there. I will, however, do my best to be interesting, at least to myself. If you're not interested, you can just bite me.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Evidence of Socialization

How I spent Yom Kippur: Atoning for my sins with the Taiwanese and a few whiteys.

From Right: Mike "The Newest Convert to the Jeff Chang Fan Club" Winer, Mumz of the New England School of Battle Axes (that's what her name tag says), Mari-chan, and other

Go-Go girls buffing the front man's skull while a less-than-horrified drummer gazes in another direction. She's a solid drummer, by the way.

The usual suspects: Starting from right Mumz, Mari-chan, Jeff "The" Chang, and other. Note the hat.

Sadly, Greta was not captured on film...Or any other way. I promise a post on the Taiwanese metal band fronted by a perfectly pleasant young girl if I can at all arrange it. I'm expecting something earth-shattering.

Oh yeah: Got ahold of a score to the Roussel Symphony No. 3. Wahoo. Damned thing was hard to track down. Russ helped and he didn't even know it. That guy. Gonna buy him a Doctorate. What kind of Doctorate? A Pepper one, you fools.

Okay, so I'm heading to NY tomorrow. If you need a ride in the same direction, give me a ring. I'm pretty well booked on Tuesday, but Wednesday has some openings. I've got to see my technician mid-morning, but I'll be puttering around a bit after that. I'll head home late. Gonna try to head over to Juilliard and stand in awe of their new Orchestra Librarian before I get my clarinets gussied up.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pop Goes the Tawaineasel, Again!

Went to another Jeff Chang Taiwanese pop show tonight. This time, we took 3 more friends (for a total of 5) to indoctrinate into the fan club. We now have 5 members. Jeff is a damned wonder on stage. I'm still considering having him show up at every gig I play. He's not even faking the enthusiasm. Just living it. Please see the last review I had of Jeff's band. Sadly, they're only listed as a Berklee Band. This time, there were a few personnel changes, but we were there to see Jeff.

With a buzzcut and a 1/4 turned hat, he was trying to sport the hiphop look. What the hell, it was great. Another fun show. I believe that we were at some point interviewed by a reporter. She didn't get our names, so I won't have to live that down. We did profess to being unabashed fans who don't currently understand a damned thing being sung.

I got my practicing in earlier that day, thank you very much. Plenty of practice, too. Then hit the "Going-Out-Of-Business" Sale (till 11/4) over at Virgin Records on Mass Ave. Got some good deals on music I need to learn posthaste.

Get thee to this band's next gig!

Oh yeah, I got a line on a Taiwanese metal band fronted by a real cutie. I'll definitely investigate. Gotta hear this one.