Well, the next few weeks have a few gigs, but I can only really tell you about two of them (the others are not for public consumption):
Saturday, May 6
Theodore Parker Church
1859 Centre Street, West Roxbury, MA
I'll performing in Elliot Carter's "Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II" with flutist Jessi Rosinski, and marimbist Jeff Means. Now, the first ER/ED is pretty popular for Clarinetists and Flutists, but I had not even heard of this one before it was suggested to me. It was written by Carter for Boulez's 70th birthday and it's quite a little gem. I can promise that we'll give a good performance. I'll let you know if we need to upgrade that to "earthshattering" later. Gotta get further into rehearsals.
Now, strangely enough, I have no idea what's on the rest of this chamber program. I'll certainly put a proper notice up with the complete program as soon as I hear, but I'm not on the rest of the program. Why? I've got a busy week. The next day I have:
May 7 4pm Glens Falls Symphony
Glens Falls, NY (
Shostakovich Symphony No 5
Mozart Piano Concerto 23 A Maj - Ursela Oppens, piano soloist
As I'm the Principal Clarinetist in this orchestra, I have a couple of small perks. One is that I can occasionally mix my section up. During the Shostakovich, I'll be playing Eb clarinet. Yup...I'm taking that one all for myself. If you haven't heard an Eb or heard me play Eb, you might want to wear some Kevlar for this gig.
Of course, I wouldn't miss playing Principal in the Mozart. I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to be on the same stage as Ms. Oppens. She's simply awesome, but I've never heard her play Mozart. This should be a treat. I hope that, with my schedule of bouncing around like a madman, I still have time to chat with her. I hear that she's quite the approachable musician.
As always, please let me know if you're interested in attending any of these programs.
Oh yes: Go out and buy Kyle Gann's "Music Downtown" as soon as you get a chance. Or, go to the library and read 10 years of the Village Voice. Either way, it's a great read. I certainly do not agree with everything Mr. Gann has to say, but he's putting a special music front and center.
I just wish he didn't seem to dislike "Uptown" so much.