Monday, April 10, 2006

Profile Email Update

Slowly, but surely I am making this blog a somewhat competent endeavor. After Lawrence Dillon let me know of his inability to contact me via my profile, I got around to making myself less distant. The email link in the profile is now certainly current, if a little strange. Once upon a time, these strange email addresses used to block certain kinds of spam dictionary programs. Of course, that was a LONG time ago. Now it's just weird. For those of you who have my other address, that will still, of course, work. I funnel the emails down to a central account in the end, anyway.

Upon the suggestion of someone more intelligent than me, I'll be looking into getting some audio tracks up soon.

Of course, I also said that I'd get up a review of 8th Black-beard too. (Take that, commenters.)


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