Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Homework

Since I had the time tonight, I began to aurally revisit some of my upcoming repertoire through some cds.

Carter's Esprit rude/Esprit doux II with the Nouvelle Ensemble Moderne
Mozart's Piano Concerto 23, k.488 with Vladimir Ashkenazy (forgot the orchestra)

The former was not very good. Sketchy ensemble and even sketchier rhythm. The flutter tongues were not convincing and sounded as if they learned to do it last week.

The latter recording was glorious. That Vlad, he's the real thing. The orchestra was, I believe British, so their winds had quite a bit different sound than I'm used to. Still, wonderful music making. Absolutely uniform unison phrasing, wonderful intonation...Technically, the recording was fantastically played. Musically, it was also lovely. Such long lines and lovely cadences.

That's it folks...I've lost whatever "edge" New Music performers are supposed to have. I used the word "lovely" and meant it. The bell tolls for me.

Holy crap, I reread the note and realized that I used the word twice and meant it. I'll leave it in as a sign to those who know me that I've really gone off the deep end.


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