Monday, September 17, 2007

Still lurking

Two pictures of the Brooklyn Bridge taken with my phone several weeks ago. It was a lovely trip, but I've only now figured out how to get pictures taken from my phone to the rest of the world. It also appears that Blogger also now allows video to be posted. We'll see what that means for you soon.

I haven't been much of a blogger lately as I've been scrambling to piece together my teaching studio for the fall. I'm starting a couple of positions with music schools in the area, but my teaching load is light since I'm new to them. Since I'm returning from spending so much time out of Boston last year, I'm having to claw my way back into the scene.

The BIG AWESOME NEWS that may or may not happen: It looks as if a rather important living composer may be writing a concerto for me. It may be a few months or longer before any details are in stone, but all of the parties have agreed to the principal. We just need to start talking serious details. This is a big deal. Major orchestras play this man's music and I may get to have a concerto written for me! Yay. More details as they come.

I'm playing pretty well, though. I think that I'm getting a good handle on all the basic building blocks that make a fantastic clarinet player. This may lead to some successes later, but I'll just keep following this road for now. reeds.


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