Wednesday, June 27, 2007


As of yet, I haven't figured out how to upload pictures from Mr. Fancypants mobile phone. As soon as I do, rest assured that you'll be assaulted with lo-res pics from my camera phone.

In the meantime, sickpuppy is over and I'm back to working like a dog again. I leave each day at 8 am and return at midnight. This schedule could last for another 7 weeks if nothing changes. I figure that I'll be starting knife fights by week 5....maybe with monkeys.

Hyun's recital at Weill was great. There was excellent music being made that night. (Of course, she looked fantastc too.) It was also good to see an old friend doing so well. I know it's strange, but I was quite proud of her. I'm still waiting on the pics and will later post what I can. Later festivities included a Korean club that made some of the whities nervous.

I'm also indebted to my host of the evening.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

In transit...

At this moment, I'm hurtling towards NYC on a packed Greyhound bus. As I threatened, I'm blogging from my Mr. Fancypants mobile phone.

I'm on my way to NY to support my friend Hyun ( hangul support on the phone...yet) as she gives her NY recital debut a Carnegie. I have known Hyun since we were both freshmen at NEC nearly ten years ago. While I was in Korea, she was kind enough o show me around and help keep me out of jail. I'm looking forward to the concert as I haven't really had the chance to hear her in a few years. It's a 530 show, so you still have time to get tickets if you want.

I'm getting old and sleepy, so I think I'll take this chance to nap a bit.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

and the beat goes on...

After several weeks, a dead 4-year-old cell phone, the purchase of a new cell phone (which I am now using to post), the visit of houseguest Rose, the arrival of second houseguest, the departure of first houseguest, the start of Steve Drury's Sickpuppy Institute, the near-offer of severaal jobs, the offer of a couple of jobs, the best practice sessions evar, the puking of the kitty, the cleaning up after the kitty, the discovery of internet2 nerds, the slow advance in reading my Friedman book, the drinking of multiple cups of coffee daily, and the daily assault of awesome and not-so-awsome New Music, the increase of my overall happiness, and the figuring out of Blogger on a pda phone, I finally have the time to post. Simple, right?

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Ay Papi

Two concerts this weekend...two chances to do something interesting...something well. For the first, I felt like a fraud. Not just producing music of no consequence, but a musical version of the emperor with no clothes. It was horrifying. For my part, I could have phoned in my part and been just as effective...perhaps even texted it in. For the second, I was but a cog in the wheel of a larger ensemble. Many musicians get awfully uppity about playing these gigs, but this gig got an enthusiastic response from the audience. The music wasn't of the architectural or emotional content of Ligeti or Brahms, but it was played honestly. No BS. There were several standing ovations.

Today I feel as if the title of my blog couldn't be more true. Tomorrow, back to the work at hand. Tonight, not so much.

I need to get a significant bit of my Gunther paper written before the my June visitors arrive.