Monday, January 18, 2010

Upcoming Concert

Here's a special concert coming up. I've been asked to perform as a guest on a piano recital in Glens Falls, NY. Pianist Carol Minor will be performing works by Beethoven, Debussy, and Finnissy while we will end the concert with Leonard Bernstein's Clarinet Sonata. It'll be good, I promise. Details below:

Sunday, Feb. 7, 2010 3pm
First Presbyterian Church of Glens Falls
400 Glen St.
Glens Falls, NY
suggested donation: $10

Let me know if you're coming!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Workin' that last bit o' vacation

On the desk (fancy term for music stand):

Carter Pastoral
Hughes Wingtones
Schubert Octet
Mozart Serenade (don't know which number, sorry)
Escot Virelai
Barash Talkback
Mozart Concerto
Rimsky Korsakov Scheherezade
Cawkwell 6 Flowers
Bernstein Sonata

Am kind of liking the Legeres, but they're too soft. It seems that I got pre-adjusted reeds. Ewww. Did use them, with some success in a rehearsal. Had to use cane for the recording. I didn't want to go overboard.